Other centers at UGA
Desktop software
- Center for Geospatial Research
- Housing and Demographics Research Center
- Center for Community Design & Preservation
Desktop software
- Quantum GIS: Open source mapping software comparable to ESRI's ArcGIS
- GIS Practicum: Tutorial on QGIS from CUNY's website
- QGIS Tutorial: Basics of QGIS by Mike Treglia
- QGIS Tutorials: Community generated QGIS lessons
- Up and running with QGIS: Training course for QGIS on the Lynda educational site (paid)
- A Gentle Introduction to GIS: GIS basics on the QGIS site
- R: Open source programming language that can be used to analyze and map spatial data. Best used with RStudio.
- StoryMap JS: Mapping site with a focus on journalism from Northwestern. Allows a blend of maps and qualitative description.
- ESRI StoryMap: Similar software from ESRI. Provides a variety of templates and is easy to use.
- CartoDB: User friendly online mapping software
- Odyssey is CartoDB's version of story map software
- Mapbox: Create basemaps and map your own data
- OpenDataKit: Open source tool for mobile data collection. A number of systems have been created using this framework, listed below.
- Fulcrum: Commercial mobile data collection with good visualization tools
- Loveland Technologies: Access publically available parcel data and create survey tools
- Motor City Mapping: An application of Loveland's platform in Detroit